The Indecision “To Live And Die In NYC” was the first 12″ (and only there was a Brother’s Keeper 12″ planned and mastered, but thats a story of another day) that I put out and I wanted to do lots of cool variations. The best of which was the metal cover. Fashioned by Chris Lunsford (who sang for Downpour at the time), this it the prototype, weighing in at an actual shit ton, they proved to hard to make without scratching the shit out of the record getting it in and out…
Orange vinyl version out of 200
Ebaying this one
Silkscreened cover version, Billy Cole burned the screens and we printed these things in our apartment. Using Frank Miller Sin City graphics… 150 of these were made.
Ebaying this one
Green marble version of 200
Ebaying this one
Test press
Ebaying this gem too
I do sick backups on that jam.
I actually made the screens and printed most of the covers, for one of the metal covers which I never got. Did we make these at the same time as the dragbody covers with blood?
Jeff J Jawk
Billy! Dooh you’re right… but I don’t think we did the Dragbody at the same time.
As soon as those metal covers get finished you’ll get one.
Woah … I don’t even like Indecision but would buy the fuck out of that for having the sweetest layout ever. How many of those got made?
Justin Brannan
I cut my thumb open on that fucking metal thing. Shardcore.