“GOD” bless SprintPCS and Fuck Pepsi

Unbroken – Curtain
Sex Positions – Dead Lay Very Still
Again – Mouthpiece

The green areas represent the SprintPCS network in Puerto Rico, while the white areas represent the places we will be continually robbed and beaten.

02/20 Ponce, Puerto Rico @ The Blue Coyote 8 pm w/ Autoridad Zero, Deathwish Bronson, Quejidos, Clear Convictions
02/21 Caparra, Puerto Rico @ Xtephanie 8 pm w/ Axiom Dummy, Nothing 2 Face, Garrapatas, Bajo Presion

According to weather.com it will be 80 degrees with a low of 73…nice.

Dan sent this to me…

How to never lose Pepsi’s iTunes giveaway
After the Super Bowl, Mac fans everywhere went to their local convenience stores to look for the iTunes labeled Pepsi bottles. If your store was like mine, you probably went home empty handed. It takes a few weeks for new bottles to make it down the supply chain, but they are now finally at most stores. Read on to find out how to never get a bottle that doesn’t win.
It’s easiest to read “again” and tag the losers because there are no random letters involved. You can spot a word like again from a mile away. If you don’t see again and you have given the bottle a twist (to check from all angles), make a purchase. If not, hit the shelf.

You might find it easiest to practice while not in the store. Just buy a few and take them home. Get the knack for the angle, and it isn’t that hard to pull off without looking like a huge tool.

Today I got the greatest series of text messages ever…

friday the 13th…

Generation Hexed – Carcass
The Duellists – Iron Maiden
The Human Being Lawnmower – MC5

TimeBomb!, Cara, Martha…

Martha and Janelle…

Leather clad and hell bound…

Valentines Party on the hill…
got there after everyone was fucking spent…
oh well.
Providence, Rhode Island = Birminham, Alabama = shit

Quark annouced 6.1. update and get into it…

so don’t hold back…

Self Preservation – Modern Life Is War
Jane Doe – Converge

This picture is horrifyingly awesome…I love Johnson.

“Time was, if you met someone cool and cute, someone you wanted to know better, you might make that person a mix tape. It was the perfect courtship calling card: a neat little package of songs carefully selected to say something about both you and your understanding of the recipient,” Izzy Grinspan writes for The Village Voice.

“Today, such compilations are an anachronism. Most stereos don’t even have tape decks anymore. Countless couples will probably trade mix CDs this Valentine’s Day, but the point-and-click process of CD burning is rather sterile; it’s possible to make someone a mix CD without having to listen to a single song. As an inveterate trader of cassettes, I’ve been in steady mourning for the mix tapes of my youth for some time now. However, I recently acquired both an iPod and a boyfriend—who’d just gotten an iPod of his own. We were debating whose library had more songs when he had a brilliant idea, one that could replace the mix tape for the 21st century: the iPod swap,’ Grinspan writes.
Read the full article here.

Quote of the day:
“we’ve secretly replaced Tre’s wheat thins with Boy Sets Fires CD, let’s see if he can taste the difference…”
-unnamed Deathwish employee after stealing and eating all of Tre’s prized crackers.

Hope for the worst, fear for the best….

Beyond Redemption – HIM
The Last Day Of Our Acquaintance – Sinead O’Connor
In The Cards – Anti-Heroes
Latch Key Kids – Bad Religion
Pure Holocaust – Immortal
No Way Out – Damnation a.d.
Slide Show – Travis
Call To Arms – Tragedy
Winter Eagle – Death In June
Serial Killer – Converge
Carnal Knowledge – 411
Tres – Pinback

Haven’t updated this thing in a while…so much going on. Went to California for a few days last week. Terror and Madball played 3 shows out there. Chris Wrenn, Tre, Todd Jones and I spent the weekend in the car…Fucking awesome, the LA show kinda sucked due to the club…the Whiskey is such a fucking lame place, hardcore has no business there…they should stick to Winger shows. Mandel and Itow where there though so that was awesome. San Francisco was amazing…we rolled in early and went to some place that had vegan cheesesteak…it failed, not so good but we did see a fight between some dude and a cab driver…I hold cab drivers in disdain so I was pleased to see some dude clock the cabby several times about the face through his window while he was sitting down…
Of to the show, which was in the middle of no where…cool club though, THE POUND. Neighbor was with us at this point and he helped me sell merch all night and we caught up and cut up all night…serious good times, I love and miss that kid. I got to see Heather and Jaime, which I never get to see enough of. I haven’t seen Jaime in about 3 years…we got to
stay with Heaher, who lives in a seriously awesome house in Oakland. Late night of catching up, iTunes theiving, and general tom foolery…up early back to LA…
Saw my man Rhett from Atlanta, he just moved to Corona, it was good to see that maniac. He claims it is ok for christians to engage in anal sex just no vaginal. weird I wasn’t aware jesus was so dirty…

Freddie Madball with my man Todd…

Back in Boston…
work and hanging out…went out a few nights and ran into my friend liz who is awesome…
trying to get my family (Ezra, Kenn24, and Jahanna) to hang with my new friends…we all went out on Saturday and we even got Jonas to come along. Fuck I love that kid I need to hang with him more often…the night was generally fun but it ended at some party that was made up of dicklickers and cunts…needless to say we didn’t stay long.
In Boston it seems nothing straightedge can stay…so many cheap people, which is fine…thin the heard.

It is becoming more and more aparent that I need a haircut.
Should I shave my head?

Converge is back from Europe…funtimes.
I missed them, especially that H-Mo thomas…

lizzy, tre, me and gauv at the hatebreed video shoot…

times are good.
for those I love, I will sacrifice….

The True Story of the Merzbow Car

Music: Silk Saw – Empty Plug

The Story of the Merzbow CD packaged in a car has spread itself across the globe. Alot of rumors have circulated and the truth has been hard to come by. To coincide with the “Resist the Factory” I decided to talk directly to Anders at Releasing Eskimo, the Swedish label that put out the Merzbow car.

Here’s what he said:

“A while ago I had a Mercedes 230 that I didn’t drive much. The police told me that I had to move it or they’d tow it away. Well, I didn’t want to keep it and I didn’t have anywahere to store it so I decided to use it for something else. I rigged the car’s CD player with our latest release of Merzbow’s “Noise Embryo” CD so that the music started when the car was turned on and it was impossible to turn it off. I put it up for sale as an extremely limited edition of the “Noise Embryo” CD but no one ever bought it, and in the end the car broke down. So we took out the CD and got rid of the car. Now I’m thinking about if it’s possible to release a record in a Boeing 747…”

Fuck…but there is a 50 CD MERZBOW box set…go here

I haven’t posted in here in a while…
I will write more tomorrow. sleep.