1. gray

    “ex straight edge kids getting hammered…”. yeah exactly, as in “not kids” anymore. when i was a kid i also slept in a crib and shit my pants, but as an adult i sleep in a bed and only rarely shit my pants (well, once or twice a week anyway), there’s a lot of shit i did as a kid that i’m not doing anymore.

    mind your fucking business!

    the nerve of these people!

  2. Lastwatch

    Shit, I’m just lookin’ for somebody to party with in the ATL!

    Nah just kidding.

    And what was this mysterious source or purity doing at such a hedonistic bacchanalia?

  3. Anonymous

    you seemed to enjoy your beer(s) in moderation when i lunched with you graybeez, just like any good uppercut fan is wont to do.


  4. gray

    the ATL party is in your mouth…everybody’s cumming (insert rim shot here).

    and to “j”, everyone knows i’m more of a breakdown fan than one of uppercut.
    “my only release, is when i get smashed…”

    so when are we going to lunch again?

  5. Gray
    the comment really wasn’t about you…although you take it personally…
    it was about the young kids who are out there literally getting wasted every night with X’s tattooed on there wrists…and gulping down burgers with Vegan Pride tattooed…

    I am still a straight edge kid and I do take pride in the choices I make…

    “It’s gonna take a little while to find out exactly who you are
    But then maybe the day won’t come
    When you have to turn your back
    One all those things that you once stood for
    Left behind like some old pile of shirts
    I’ve seen it happen so many times before
    Spit in the face of a sacred oath
    That some of us took when ready”
    – Bane

  6. gray


    i never thought that comment was directed at me because i don’t think there’s many sxe spies out there who would even know who i was to begin with. i was simply pointing out the absurdity of this weird tattle-tale mentality of “reporting” ex-sxe transgressors (as i believe you were as well).

    i do take umbrage with the notion that you are a “sxe kid” though. you’re 31 years old and you’re a grown-ass man (maturity notwithstanding…hi-ho!). i’m 31 and i actually have kid(s), so i know for a fact i ain’t no child. granted, “sxe kid” is the accepted nomenclature of the scene, but at some point you graduate from being a kid, and you become an adult. you don’t make decisions like a kid, your actions don’t have the same ramifications as a kids’, and you have the wisdom of age through which to filter all of your choices. you’re a “sxe man”…you should be proud of that. it’s a lot harder to stick with sxe as an adult than it is when you’re a 14 year kid who can’t even buy alcohol to begin with.

    i would never seriously bag on sxe (i joke about it to you a lot, but it’s in jest between old buddies) because that would be hypocritical, but there is plenty of room to make fun of the sxe hardcore scene. sxe is a great thing if you’re doing for the right reasons (i.e. not just to fit into some lame “scene”), and if it’s important to you, than i respect that. you know as well as i do that the sxe scene (shit, any little subculture for that matter) has it’s pros and cons, and if you can’t have fun with it, than what’s the point. punk rock ain’t about being serious all the time…right?

    i wish i had some grudge lyrics to close this with, but i don’t, so i won’t.

  7. gray

    there’s only one motherfucker who is allowed to call me “gary”, and unless you used to live in club blitz, or sang “the essence”, or had your girl stolen away by dwid…you need to address me as “sir”!

  8. Justin McNeight

    they’re hard to spot you know…I grabbed my ‘nocs as quickly as i could but the li’l bugger shuffled off into the shadows, beer in hand, to wallow in his unhinged depravity. I’ll never be sure, but I think the words “down but not out tour 89” were scrawled across the back of the t shirt clinging sadly to his softened physique.

    Policy holders.
    Lifestyle Assassins.
    Straight Up Busybodies.

    Let’s play Splinter Cell instead.

  9. hey guys.
    man in the field twofour here reporting live from europe.

    i wrote up some long bullshit about this topic but ill just sum it up with.two types of dudes. there are good dudes and there are shitty dudes. most are shitty.

    heres to the good ones above ,sxe or not.

    john. e mail me.i have something for you.


  10. pirate sean

    Jeff, I take a little offense to your obvious jabs at who I think we all know is Matt Northpoint, that’s right I fucking stated the blatantly obvious. Matt,whom I assume you haven’t spoken to in quite sometime, used to be one of the people you would say you “loved” and now your taking internet jabs at him. I know you probably feel a little sad about your former friend but I don’t think this is really the way to express your dissapointment. I also would say that earth crisis lyrics written 8 years ago aren’t really relevant. I feel a little like a FAG, a GAY FAG writing this.

  11. Sean
    Actually Matt Northpoint is someone I do care alot about, I’ve known him for about 13 years…
    I take offense at YOU (mis)interpreting what I am talking about and and scolding me on it…
    this post were about no one person in particular, they where about people in general (granted thinking back I did mention tattoos that he may have specically, but that was not on purpose)

    Notice all I did here was post a quote from a message I got…this all started becasue the note was attacked…

    II’ll repost this again:
    Alot of my friends are no longer edge, and that’s cool with me. The friends whom I actually shared a bond with and who touched my life I will always love no matter what they choose to eat or drink, but to those that claimed the game and where more than likely loud mouthed and in your face about, and now are loud mouthed and in your face drinkers/smokers…I have no love, and the arguement could be made that I never had any for them anyways…
    I would really like to bring this topic to a close…

    “I also would say that earth crisis lyrics written 8 years ago aren’t really relevant.”
    actually they where written about 13 years ago…
    they where a little tongue in cheek.

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