iChat 3.0 comes with a “Current iTunes Track” option in the status message list. However, for most Internet-savvy audiophiles, this format is backwards. The standard format is Artist – Track but iChat gives it as Track – Artist!
However, this is fixable. Here’s how:
Quit iChat.
In Terminal, enter this command: defaults write com.apple.iChatAgent iTunesMessageFormat -string ‘%Artist – %Track’.
Enter the command killall iChatAgent — this kills iChat’s background daemon.
Restart iChat, and choose the Current Track message option.
This formats the current tune as Artist – Track, the correct format.
I stole this from MACOSXHINTS.COM
thank you, jeff!
i have been wondering why apple did it this way. cant wait to get home to change it.
Good times
Thanks again. And thanks Buske.