“for once, let’s just allow ourselves to be whatever it is we are”

Andrew Largeman: Fuck, this hurts.
Sam: I know it hurts. But it’s life, and it’s real. And sometimes it fucking hurts, but it’s life, and it’s pretty much all we got.

I finally went and saw GARDEN STATE. Jesus Christ… the best movie I have seen in a long, long time. I need to go see it again this weekend. Zach Braff, who wrote and directed Garden State, has a BLOG.

…and you must get the soundtrack.

And while we are talking about movies…


Mac nerd time:
Type the following command in Terminal (while Safari is NOT running):
% defaults write com.apple.Safari IncludeDebugMenu 1
Then launch Safari, and enjoy the new Debug menu.

One Comment

  1. holy shit yes! garden state is awesome. i was very impressed.

    i will try this Terminal trick when i get home. i am always worried i am going to muck something up when i go into the Terminal. i’ll cross my fingers.


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