Big Fun!

So at Bridge Nine our mailorder person, Aaron Apps, has decided to move to California for the winter to pursue is golf game (sadly not a joke). So we have been interviewing people this week to fill his shoes. One such applicant after his interview deceided that he would go spray paint FUN! on the wall of the Peabody-Essex Museum…
which just happens to have stood for over two centuries in southern China, until it was shipped over and rebuilt here. Read About It Here.


  1. judging by other posts/links on this site, as well as your amazon wishlist, you condone tagging/graffiti; i imagine your audience is pro-graffiti as well? as a member of a collaborative constructive is it acceptable in all cases, or are some sites more valued – therefore untouchable – than others? is the age of the building a factor? the ownership (public/private/neglected)? is it more of an ‘accomplishment’ if a commonly prized building is tagged?

    i am sure there are some well constructed answers, but the guys linked from your article look like jackasses.

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