The Dumbing of America or Religious right fights science for the heart of America

From The Guardian
“Al Frisby has spent the better part of his life in rooms filled with rebellious teenagers, but the last years have been particularly trying for the high school biology teacher. He has met parents who want him to teach that God created Eve out of Adam’s rib, and then then adjusted the chromosomes to make her a woman, and who insist that Noah invited dinosaurs aboard the ark. And it is getting more difficult to keep such talk out of the classroom.”

“They believe that the naturalistic bias of science is in fact atheistic, and that if we don’t change science, we can’t believe in God. And so this is really an attack on all of science.”

Read the whole story here.

Do Not Call Registry

In a few weeks, all cell phone numbers are being released to Telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls using your minutes. To register you cell phone number on the Do Not Call Registry, call this number from your cell phone 888-382-1222 or log on to website It blocks your number for 5 years.

xNew Years Marathonx

So I just packed the Converge van and I am about to be off to Worchester to see Champion, Bane, Modern Life Is War, Outbreak and more. Then off to Rochester to see the New Years show…
It will be good to see everyone.
Time to go shower and shave the old melon before I leave…