1. i only remember gheish and act of faith. no idea that hot water music played. i don’t think i had heard them until at least 96. i turned 18 the next day.

    the typography on these is incredible.

  2. Jeff, at the time I had no idea what typography even was. I just wanted to sound smrt, er, I mean smart. I think one of the labs at AIA had some Quadras when I first started there, but mostly beige G3s.

  3. Neighbor

    That was far from the final line up, right? I thought Ashes and some other bands played. Also, I’ll give anyone a dollar who can dig up the the original “What Still Holds True” 7in covers, remember, the ones with the Millenium Falcon on it…..

  4. gray

    gheisch memories…
    Jawk = Communisim
    Marty = Atheism
    Beez = Abortion(?!)

    i remember my name was RU-486, but I can’t remember what anyone else’s laminate said. christ! i forget we laminates…that technology was too impressive not to utilize. laminates were everywhere.

  5. chip

    after a quick check of JAWK smashzine pg. 1 just below the manifesto de jawk under the section titled
    vocal terrorists
    martyr name was indeed ZOLOF

  6. gray

    ‘hickey’ was in fact misspelled, but the more egregious error has to have been the wholly concocted spelling of ‘gheicsh’ which we surmised based on our extensive knowledge of ‘taint piercings.

    spelling was never gheicsh’s strong suit.

  7. Justin

    Jeff, do you remember having it pointed out to you that the Godless Red phone # actually formed an upside down cross confiquration on the key pad?

  8. gray

    you don’t think jeff worked that out on purpose? you know in between forklifting and cleaning vats of glue (by hand might I add), jawk used to work on phone lines. that dude spliced together the most evilest phone number ever.

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