even more…

Morning Again at the Buford Civic Center. Check me out in the KINGS jersey, and yes Gray that is my HARD AS FUCK hat. Check out Ezra singing along. Photo by James Tarp

Youth Of Today Reunion 1999. Um. I am to the left of Ray Cappo and I look like either A) it just hit me that I spent 22 hours in a van for this fucking shit, and I still have to go home or B) I am actually shitting my pants…

On another note…
I love Ash Wednesday. I laugh everytime I see these people walking around. It provided me with some laughs in between explaining what the new intel mini macs are and what is the difference between a 1 GB Nano and a 60GB Ipod Video. I found this interesting…

“At Masses and Services of worship on this day, worshippers are blessed with ashes by the celebrating priest or minister. The priest or minister marks the forehead of each participant with black ashes, in the shape of a cross, which the worshipper traditionally retains until washing it off after sundown. The symbolism echoes the ancient Near Eastern tradition of throwing ash over one’s head signifying repentance before God (as related numerous times in the Bible). The priest or minister offers the worshipper an instruction while applying the ashes. These are two examples:
“Remember, man, that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return.” (Latin: Memento homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris.)
“Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.”
The ashes are prepared by burning palm leaves from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebrations and mixing them with olive oil as a fixative. In the Roman Catholic Church, Ash Wednesday is observed by fasting, abstinence (from meat), and repentance—a day of contemplating one’s transgressions. The ashes are sacramental. The penitential psalms are read.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season, which lasts until the Easter Vigil. On Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are permitted to consume only one full meal each day, which may be supplemented by two smaller meals, which together should not equal the full meal. These days are also days of abstinence from meat.
The Anglican Book of Common Prayer designates Ash Wednesday as a day of fasting.
As the first day of Lent, it comes the day after Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras, the last day of the Carnival season. The word “Carnival” is in fact derived from the Lenten practice of giving up meat. The Latin words “Carne” and “Vale” were combined to literally mean “Farewell to meat.”

And Santino better fucking win Project Runway.


  1. on the video of the YOT reunion shows the viewer can hear two voices yelling at you and calling you a “Stage Potato”. i will tell you that one was matt and the other, well, uh…shall remain anonymous. 😉

  2. Lastwatch

    I don’t watch the show but my wife says you’re way off and that Santino over designs everything.

    On another note I was at that M.A. show but I think I must have been behind and to the right of where the photo was taken.

  3. gray

    so then is that an actual Doc Martin Skins patch that santino wears on his jacket?
    santino does not deserve to win, but his “character” certainly is the most intriguing, and as far as a fashion goes (which, by the way, let me prefeace by saying that fashion is a joke and should not be considered with other fine arts as “high art”) his stuff, while being the least wearable, is the most interesting. but daniel v. should probably win.

    p.s. – i am gay.

  4. Neighbor

    It’s funny, I don’t really remember Jawk wearing these atrocious garments maybe thats because I’ve tried to block them out of my mind or because I was at college doing keg stands and listening to RFTC. Where are the LEE RIDERS?!!!!

  5. phil agrees with lord iodine in that santino, while maybe not being the most wearable designer, is by far the most interesting one of the bunch. i mean if he didnt make it, it would be the most boring season finale ever! while daniel v. is the most traditional and wearable, he just has a kind of pompous shitbird personality which makes him more “the gay” than the other “the gays.” if tim gunn doesn’t like your shit, dont be offended and hurt, realize that you need to step your shit up cuz it stinks and looks like something you’d buy in anthropologie. i mean sure, santino is also a pompous ass, but arent they all? for fuck’s sake, “waaa waa waa santino made fun of me and i’m a short fucking asian!” for reals, how short is that chick! her and glenn danzig should get married.

  6. mrs. kiser

    i’m sick of people being “interesting” because they’re turdbucket. being a nerd, butthole, skinrash, freakazoid, dweebie, fuckface, and/or a mean bastard doesn’t make you cool. or interesting. it just makes you richard hatch from survivor season one.
    besides, chloe dao has the best designs. she has a lady’s body in mind when she designs. santino is a clown.
    project runway rules.

  7. gray

    red alert! red alert! security breach! my wife is jawk talkin!
    aren’t there some sort of precautions you can take to keep that maniac ouuta here?

    she does raise a good point though, pop culture rewards “celebrity” over talent, and while that might be more entertaining in the short term, it lessens the value of entertainment in the long run by diluting the art from entertainment. who’d of thunk it?

    plus, should someone call the offices of clone graphic werks and make sure phil is alright? dude got all ragaholic about project runway.

  8. OK. I am going to chime in here and say that I really do think that Santino IS the better designer here. Chloe’s design look like they should be on a display at fucking UPTONS or THE FASHION BUG, Daniel is good, but he really did lose it in this last round. Santino clearly has the better pieces for this final round. He is indeed a more interesting character and he designs as if he doesn’t give a fuck what the judges think, which really is what matters most, when our artistic endeavors become defined by the end user, it ceases to be art and is reduced to a mere product. If this contest is about making a product, Chloe hands down should win, but ultimately this insn’t a contest who’s winner get’s a cubicle at Wal-Mart HQ designing for the Cheryl Teig’s line, it’s about “high fashion” who ideas are not about being “practicle” and “useful”. VIVA LA SANTINO.

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