Month: October 2007
Creationism out of the classroom
“Creationism and intelligent design are sometimes claimed to be scientific theories. This is not the case as they have no underpinning scientific principles, or explanations, and are not accepted by the science community as a whole.”
– Excerpt from the UK’s new guidelines to teachers on what to teach about creationism and intelligent design in science classes
Hopefully the U.S. will follow their lead. From the Guardian.
Paypal tapped
The “It’s A Girl” Supertouch Blog Skullpirate came in this week, in honor of Jamie O’Shea’s daugter’s birth.
Notice the fucking wash cloth that comes with this thing. Amazing.
Finally tracked down the Rusty Skullpirate, limited to 66 pieces it was released at the recent 2007 San Diego Comic Con
The “It’s A Girl” Supertouch Blog Skullpirate came in this week, in honor of Jamie O’Shea’s daugter’s birth.
Notice the fucking wash cloth that comes with this thing. Amazing.