Hampton Beach Hooligans

Me, attempting to stick way too much cotton candy in my fat face. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE

On Saturday Kenn, Tre, Thomas and I decided to go to Hampton beach in New Hampshire. There we found gathered together the largest group of mouthbreathing, Toby Keith listening, seafood eating hacks ever assembled.

Tre tried his luck at the shooting range…

Thomas and I enjoying a game of air hockey (yes, Thomas is eating ice cream while playing me, and yes he did win).

The ride home…

I’ve lived in Boston for a year now. I find that hard to believe.

Too Tough Too Die

On Saturday I went and saw a documentary on the Ramones called “End Of The Century”, now maybe it’s that the Ramones where my favorite band from like 1987-1991, and I knew way too much about them, that I found this movie to be a little lackluster. It was still awesome, but it seemed a little rushed and it jumps some key years…
Still well worth checking out.

After words Ezra, Jonas and I went back to Nicole’s where she served us some amazing choclate chip banana cake…

On Friday I drove out to Albany to see Madball and hang out with a bunch of awesome people.

After a year of living on the ocean I went to the beach for the first time on Sunday. Yumiko, Kelly, John, and I ventured up the coast to Glouchester…
Then hung out at Salem Willows for a while. I went grocery shopping and cooked myself dinner and fell into a food coma and watched THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS…so amazing
Chas: Why’d you kill yourself?
Richie: I wrote a suicide note after I regained consciousness.
Chas: Is it dark?
Richie: It was a suicide note, of course it was.
Chas: Can we read it?
Richie: No
Chas: Can you paraphrase it for us?
Richie: I don’t think so

Off to Albany!

I’m off to Albany to see Madball and hang out with some amazing friends. I spent the last weekend in Syracuse and got to spend some time with family. I get to see a bunch of them again tonight…

Happy Birthday Guav!

Today is GUAV’s Birthday!
Let me brag about Guav for a second, besides being the best dude ever
• He provides me with hours of entertainment and distraction with his journal
• He received a shout from Rob R Rock on the song “Cruelty Free” which appeared on the VOICE OF THE VOICELESS comp
• He is a handsome devil
• He put out the fucking Earth Crisis “All Out War” 7″

Promises Kept

I just finished stuffing 150 of these fuckers. Kenn24, Ezra, and I screened these covers for the CHAMPION records release show, which is this Saturday in Seattle.

More shots of the PUSHEAD Bearbricks that I need. I have the first one…

I’ve been at work way too long…
time to go home.